Staged Interior

Staged Interior - Staged to Sell


Staged Interior is owned and operated by Trish and Young Kim, who are both Accredited Staging Professional Masters (ASPMs). All other stagers at Staged Interior are Accredited Staging Professionals (ASPs). Because it takes more than one stager to accomplish a home staging project, they work as Team Leaders with staging teams on all projects. Our energetic staging teams collaborate to create polished and beautiful results – and have a lot of fun doing it, too!

Realtor® Benefits

Home staging partners de-clutter and decorate a property to allow the buyer to visualize themselves living in the home. Home staging makes the property look its best and appear move-in ready, so homeowners can sell their home faster and at a higher value.

Shop Realtor®

On The Market

Whether representing a buyer or seller, Realtors® undertake hundreds of steps in a real estate transaction. Shop Realtor® competency solutions help them navigate the process from listing to closing.

Marketing and showing activities require access to and understanding of the latest lockbox tools and services, but there’s so much more. From sign posts to home staging services and open house products, Shop Realtor® provides on-the-market tools and affiliated professionals for every stage of the process. The association is committed to member safety, too, with access to dozens of resources that help to minimize risk while marketing and showing properties.