RPAC makes a big difference in your bottom line, and here’s how: contributing to RPAC supports efforts to elevate awareness of issues that impact the way the industry operates. RPAC supports legislators and candidates who support REALTOR® issues ensuring an environment of opportunity and success for REALTORS®… for you. And RPAC facilitates the attention that we bring to regulations and policies that affect homebuyers and property rights. Would your business be impacted by the elimination of the mortgage interest deduction or a 500 percent increase in the deductible a client would have to pay for underground oil tank clean up and repair?
The issues that impact your bottom line are the RPAC issues. Those are the issues we advocate for – to empower your success and protect your opportunities.
Industry professionalism is key to ensuring that Realtors® remain at the center of the real estate transaction. As technological advances and changing business structures alter the traditional real estate landscape, the association is a professional ally. NVAR, Virginia Realtors® and the National Association of Realtors® collaborate to offer Code of Ethics education and enforcement, effective political advocacy, and a robust consumer advertising campaign. Digital, print and email communications deliver industry and association news to advance knowledge, and the profession.